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Terms & Conditions


By using the Midwest Gun Deals website you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1.) You hereby certify that you are at least 18 years of age or older to engage in any sales, trades, purchases or any other deals involving long firearms and ammunition, in compliance with any and all local, state and federal laws.

2.) You hereby certify that you are at least 21 years of age or older to engage in any sales, trades, purchases or other deals involving hand guns and ammunition, in compliance with any and all local, state and federal laws.

3.) It is the sole responsibility of the end user of to research, know and understand any and all local, state and federal laws pertaining to the purchase, sale, trade or ownership of firearms and ammunition for any and all firearms.

4.) You hereby certify that you have never been charged with a felony, dishonorably discharged from the military and are a citizen of the United States of America and are legally allowed to purchase and posses firearms.


1.) You hereby certify that you are a legal entity, which is certified to conduct sales, trades, purchases or any other transactions involving firearms, ammunition and binary explosives. Furthermore you understand that it is your sole responsibility to provide and run the mandatory and regulatory background checks and paperwork for any transactions.

2.) It is the sole responsibility of the end user of to research, know and understand any and all local, state and federal laws pertaining to the purchase, sale, trade or ownership of firearms and ammunition for any and all firearms.

3.) As a vendor using this site, I hereby release the owners, administrators and any other party or parties involved with the website, or any affiliates now or in the future, from any and all liability for the sale or trade of any product through the use of their website.


Private Sellers:
1.) You are responsible to follow all local, state and federal laws involving any and all private transactions of any firearms, long or short. It is your responsibility to obtain the age of the party that you are conducting personal business with.

2.) It is the sole responsibility of the end user of to research, know and understand any and all local, state and federal laws pertaining to the purchase, sale, trade or ownership of firearms and ammunition for any and all firearms.

3.) As a private seller using this site, I hereby release the owners, administrators and any other party or parties involved with the website, or any affiliates now or in the future, from any and all liability for the sale or trade of any product through the use of their website.


Site and Affiliates:
1.) is not a broker, dealer and does not engage in any of the aforementioned sales, trades, purchases or any other transactions and can not be held liable as such.

2.) No person, involved with the maintenance, moderation or administration of Midwest Gun Deals and shall conduct business, personal or otherwise under the Midwest Gun Deals name or likeness. They are to conduct their business under their own personal or business account and abide by the rules, terms and conditions as listed above.

3.) These terms and conditions may be modified without notice, so it is the sole responsibility of the end user of to remain knowledgeable.

4.) No person, involved with the maintenance, moderation or administration of Midwest Gun Deals and shall be held liable for any actions that are brought forth by any transaction resulting from the use of this site or any affiliates here and now or in the future.

5.) Midwest Gun Deals and does not charge any fees or commissions from any sale or trade facilitated through the use of this site or any affiliates, and will not here and now or in the future. Advertising is not considered a commission and shall not be held against this site or and involved parties to the maintenance, moderation or management of the site as a liability to any actions against the parties involved in any sales or trades and their subsequent legal or civil actions. The use of this site hereby waives any and all liability from the site or affiliates here and now and in the future from such legal or civil action, in any state, county, city or otherwise.


Questions and Contact Information:

If there are questions please contact your local sheriff’s department or check the following links pertaining to Federal and State Laws as well as FFL Dealership information:


Click HERE for the basic forum and listing rules and code of conduct.